Game Mechanics
Who your character is, what they say and do, has an impact on the world, and the world responds in ways both expected, and not...
How you build your character affects how Society writes about them, what is said about them, how other characters view and write about them, and so much more. After all, the eyes of the Ton are ever watchful...
There are 35 available PC spots for Chapter One, and each is known by a particular 'Role'. Roles have a brief description and guide both how others might see you (unless this role is a hidden one) and how you might choose to interact with the world and others in letters.
Each Role comes with three established connections and a one-time use Boon.
Each character begins game with three secrets of various degrees: one embarrassing secret, one scandalous, and one potentially ruining.
Players are free to engage in any storylines that interest them, but the game will offer five categories of plotlines to pursue: Romance, Trade, Culture, Politics, Curiosity.
This Boon is your one time use success token for the interaction assigned to your role. Issued at the beginning of game / character approval and usable at any time. When mailed back to headquarters, along with a convincing, associated letter, it guarantees a successful attempt at whatever kind of action it pertains to with any NPC, the movers and informants of the world.

Events & Digital Interaction
The only digital component to gameplay, Chapter One will host two game-wide events intended to create moments between characters to be written about in letters, and to further story plot points from the game.
Players are also able to submit a monthly update on their character interactions by the 14th of the month. This could include things like social events, fashion brilliance or faux pas, or anything of note that supports letter content.
Lastly, Chapter One has an active-player discord channel for creating connections, chatting about game (spoiler free), connecting with other players OOC, and posting "Seen in London" moments to contribute to letter writing.
Participation in any digital component is entirely optional.

There are 35 available PC spots for Chapter One, and each is known by a particular 'Role'.
Each role is unique and forms the basis for how others might see you (unless this role is a hidden one), how you might choose to interact with the world and others in letters, and how the world (GMs) interact with your character.
Each Role begins game with three established connections:
One PC role of a positive relationship, one PC role of a rivalry relationship, and one NPC.
More connections (such as friends, courtships, business, etc.) will be established through letter gameplay. Players are also welcome to create connections such as family ties but are encouraged to wait until roles are approved.
Roles come with a one-time use Boon related to that role to give an automatic success with an NPC narrative interaction.
Roles are requested by ranked choice on the Chapter One application form. Players may also indicate any roles they do not want to play. While we will do our best to give everyone their first choice, it can not be guaranteed. Roles primarily guide which boon a character receives and interests may be chosen to complement or enrich any PC role.
With only 35 spaces available for Chapter One, a combination of first-come and lottery will be used. Any application not initially approved for Chapter One will be added to the waitlist should a player need to drop or additional spots open up.

Secrets are substantial facts about your character that have the potential to be life changing (either to their benefit or detriment) if they become common knowledge. Generally, these should be matters that your character does not want to get out, but you as a player wish to eventually have revealed.
Note: you may include secrets about your character they are not privy to in the game.
Players choose three secrets to being the chapter, one from each category:
This secret would be a shame if it was to get out, but you could likely get on with your life if it did.
This secret would put you into major pickle if it were to surface, likely with social push back.
The worst case. The revealing of this secret might cost you your land, title, fortune, family, or even freedom...
Choose wisely...
Example: The Secrets of Lord Andrew Muffin
1. Embarrassing: At fifteen, Lord Muffin once kissed Duke Scone when they were both summering in the country.
2. Scandalous: Lord Muffin evades his chaperone so he can perform at a music hall, his secret passion.
3. Ruining: Lord Muffin has been running illicit pastry smuggling into England past the French blockade.

Correspondence LARPing is in large part about connecting with other characters and the in-game world. Having an idea what your character is interested in - in a general sense - will open up for 'conversation starters' that others can introduce themselves with. The Roles already offer an avenue of interest, but we are certainly more than just one thing...
Players are free to engage in any storylines that interest them, but the game will offer five categories of plotlines to pursue (choose two): Romance, Trade, Culture, Politics, Curiosity.
Love, Loss and marriage will feature heavily in your plots. You wish to be kept informed of the personal lives of the members of Society and how they change. Plots might include themes of, but are not limited to: love and flirtation, matchmaking, love triangles, arranged marriage, hidden lovers, rank and political marriage, divorce, etc...
Business and commerce will feature heavily in your plots. You wish to be kept informed in the movements of money, enterprise, fortunes and real estate within the kingdom. Plots might include but are not limited to: inheritance, good/bad Investments, importation, debts, business opening or closing, buying and selling estates, entrepreneurships, shipping, smuggling, etc...
Though the tides of trend move swiftly, the arts have given us some of our longest lasting moments to humanity. Matters of culture are the backbone of a sophisticated Society and you wish to engage with all of it. Plots might include, but are not limited to: arts and musical movements, literary trends, changes and trend in fashion, plays and performances, famous and infamous celebrities, social events, gossip, etc...
You are a civic minded individual and wish to engage with matters of law and importance. You pay attention to concepts that span matters of crime, law, and all the other branches of government that make our daily lives work. Plots might include but are not limited to: elections of parliament or local figures, the creation and passing of laws, moral and social commentary, crime and punishment, etc...
You are concerned with matters of an more ethereal and hidden nature, and wish to be included in such when it concerns your friends, neighbors and rivals. These topics might not be the best for dinner conversation but everyone has a secret (or not so secret) opinion. Plots might include but are not limited to: spiritual practices outside monotheism, occult practices, Spiritualism and séance, myths and legends, strange happenings and conspiracy theory, divination, etc...

This Boon is your one-time use success token for the interaction type assigned to your role. Boons are issued at the beginning of your game and usable at any time during Chapter One.
When mailed back to headquarters, along with a convincing, associated letter, it guarantees a successful attempt at whatever kind of action it pertains to with any NPC, who act as the movers and informants of the world .
Be aware that though it guarantees a momentary success, the GMs and your efforts toward this action determine the larger effect of the success. Take your time, and choose your moment, as the in-game world will respond accordingly.
There are 5 types of Boons: Social, Charismatic, Educational, Financial, Secretive.
Types of Boons
SOCIAL boons leverage your particular social skills and standing to given you an edge in the Ton. Perhaps an exclusive ball invitation or an audience with Her Majesty would bring you much-desired status, or it could be that starting a rumour (or ending one) would be most helpful…
CHARISMATIC boons tap into your personal charms and strengths to give you an edge with your fellow persons. You know just what to do or say to convince, charm, counsel or even intimidate a person into bending to your will or instruction.
EDUCATIONAL boons rely on you being a practiced scholar (formally or otherwise), you are lauded for your mind and you bring that respect with you wherever you go. Your background, credentials skillet and hard work in your particular field give you the status to be an authority (or call upon one) in your discipline.
FINANCIAL boons leverage the fact that “money is power”. A saying started in the 18th century, and a guiding option in your life. Family fortunes, gracious inheritance, flourishing empires and personal gain, all collect in your coin purse to open any door that stands in your way. Those who can’t be convinced might be bought or placated by your finances, and money can buy all the expensive things that people covet...
SECRETIVE boons tap into London's gossip network or its shady underbelly and you, for all your social standings, have threads that could bind you to the criminal side as well. Vice purveyors, blackmail artists and smugglers alike might cross similar paths as you. While it might give you access to certain items or information, each step you take into the dark makes it more difficult to walk back out...